Date: 16/12/2009
Venue: PPUM, Bed no.14
0950- waiting for cab
1019-arrive at PPUM then settle
everything about ALIMTA purchasing.
1305- starting 1st bottle
(refer previous post for the fluids used)
1410- 2nd bottle
1500- a doctor come & non-stop asking
few Qs, what I can remember is
"your case is quite interesting"
1515- I just realized that drip too slow
& the fluid is only half after an hour.
1630-starting 3rd bottle, have to flush,
sgt sakit sbb lme sgt drip tuh stop.
1749-starting 4th bottle
1908- inject Kytril & start 5th bottle
1920- got problem..drip stop, start flushing
for 2times..<--sakit sgt2..
1933- drip ok..ubt jln tp start rse bgkak &
sakit smpi siku.
2003- call nurse..feel pain seriously,
2023-start 6th bottle
2055- 7th bottle
2105- terpakse stop ubt chemo.
xblh thn kesakitan yg teramat2..
kebas sblh tgn till sejuk & pucat.
off line, waiting for a doctor.
2127-Dr. Aruna set new line..branula pn masuk
kt tgn sblh kiri lak..
2128- continue CISPLATIN
2159- fmly dtg tgk..mgadu mcm2..
nages sbb xtahan..gv up meraung2
xnk bt chemo lg..<--become insane
2300- fmly blk..alone..nangis lg..
i cant imagine how it feels..
empty..mcm terbiar..(i'm not sure)
2319- 8th bottle
0310- 9th bottle
0457- finish 9th bottle but relax jap
sbb nurse ade kije.klu ikutkn ati nk jerk psg sndiri.
bkn ssh pn..<--nk cpt blk..
0509-10th bottle
0723-last bottle, 11th bottle.
1045-off line, mandi, tidy up stuff then
dgn rushing nyer masuk cab.
Fobia dok dlm hsptl tbe2.
1110-i'm home.
sian.. sakit ke kak aishah? biskot pnh gak bt drip ni. tu pun masa kne denggi sblm final. yg malasnya psl drip ni nak kene tunggu lama2. kan sng klu blh lajukan je macam air paip. hehe.